
Participation, technology and city games

22-24 January 2020, Warsaw

This workshop provided a space for a mid-term review of the project where cities could share their journey so far and provide peer-to-peer advice and support. This process was conducted visually through the construction of a gallery by each project with these visuals stimulating ideas and discussion. Partners also used their initial SWOT analysis from Transfer plans to take stock of where they were at and adapt plans to changing circumstances.

This workshop also focused on a number of case studies:

  • The workshop was hosted in the Warsaw Multicultural Centre and participants through a tour and discussion were introduced to this important hub funded by Warsaw City and bringing together a number of migrant support projects and cultural initiatives.
  • The team in Warsaw presented their journey so far in developing an educational game and app for primary schools in Warsaw and the game concept designers and facilitators the hackathon to generate ideas hosted an interactive session on the process of inclusive game design. See the Warsaw City Transfer Story for more information on this project in Warsaw.
  • The workshop was joined by Anna Szadkowska from Lublin Municipality to talk about the implementation of their anti-rumour strategy and actions such as the Rumours Exchange Shop initiative where people could come in off the street and engage in conversation.
  • Finally, the group were hosted by the Polish Jewish History Museum and were given a specialist tour looking at how the museum is interpreting and presenting the city narrative and exposing and confronting established historical rumours.

Warsaw is home to a number of migrant-led community kitchens such as Kuchnia Konfliktu and participants ate at several of these during the workshop as well as meeting the instigators of these projects and learning about their evolution.

- See the Warsaw City Transfer Story for more information on this project in Warsaw.